Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 13:52 UTC

Planetary shield system  

Shield is field for dispersion of kinetic energy of any object crossing it.

Planetary shield - is combination of zones with fields generation.
All planet surface divided on hex zones. In each three zone crossing placed "Shield Igniton Station". All stations contain a separate power source, but they connected together - each station connected with three nearest stations - to improove max power up on peack of consumption, when very massive object cross a field. Stations create a power net to concentrate energy in one zone. Power from station are emited in atmosphere to 500km upside. On selected level energy interferrate generates a Main positive field and some levels positive and negative fields with lower energy. To simplify: in positive field - energy quans rotation in right, and in negative - rotation in left.

This is theoretical minition of planetary shield principles.

Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 15:31 UTC

They had similar, but much smaller, devices WAY back in the old days (like REALLY old). They were made of metal and transformed kinetic energy of any object that struck it into either another form of energy (like sound and heat), or dispersed the kinetic energy over a larger mass, thereby reducing any potential damage that may happen as a result of the initial speed of the original object. They were pretty awesome tech at the time.

Now, what you have written here is hard to read for me, but if I am reading it correctly, you are proposing setting up an energy field that would absorb kinetic energy and ... do what with it? With an object like an asteroid that would be more powerful than any electrically conductive substance I can think of could handle outside of pure superconductive materials. Trying to transfer the energy into a larger mass (like the planet, but evenly distributed) would require a severely reinforced structure of a size that having it mobile would be ridiculous.

Wouldn't it just be easier to nudge the asteroid (or whatever) a bit and have it hit something else?


Jul 21, 17 / Vir 06, 01 05:10 UTC

A shield such as this would also be useful in an interstellar spaceship. In order to extend certain speeds you must first make sure that no material may puncture your ship. Shields like this could have any number of purposes such as protecting satellites or space stations such as the future Asgardian colony. So this implication on space ships and other space bound objects is also an idea to consider.

Jul 24, 17 / Vir 09, 01 23:08 UTC

lets build model to try technology.

Aug 8, 17 / Vir 24, 01 09:58 UTC

What is optimal size of one shield sector?  Or optimal shield surface hight?

(Each side of hex zone is doble hight on planet surface.)

I am precalculate parameters for 16km and 131km hight and thinking 131km is needs optimal power, because large power loss depends on hight. But 16 km is atmosphere limit.