Jul 7, 17 / Leo 20, 01 13:52 UTC
Planetary shield system ¶
Shield is field for dispersion of kinetic energy of any object crossing it.
Planetary shield - is combination of zones with fields generation.
All planet surface divided on hex zones. In each three zone crossing placed "Shield Igniton Station". All stations contain a separate power source, but they connected together - each station connected with three nearest stations - to improove max power up on peack of consumption, when very massive object cross a field. Stations create a power net to concentrate energy in one zone. Power from station are emited in atmosphere to 500km upside. On selected level energy interferrate generates a Main positive field and some levels positive and negative fields with lower energy. To simplify: in positive field - energy quans rotation in right, and in negative - rotation in left.
This is theoretical minition of planetary shield principles.