Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 09:54 UTC
Check the posting rules and regulation ¶
I read the rules but the part saying if someone says something that they (the administrators) think is inappropriate, that person will be banned, but let me say this, your brother is ur brother becus apart from birth, he can say or do anything to you and he will not stop being ur brother or be silence. If you can banned people at will cus of what they say then this turns into master n slave.
You can't just banned people cus they said something you don't agree with, whiles the forum is for a potential nation but not someone's personal forum. It shouldn't be like we are in charge and if you don't behave we will put you right or punish you. We all are one and trying to grow together as a potential nation and we should be able to tolerate each other no matter our differences. The rules and regulations about posting in the forum should be checked.
banning someone in a community liked group cus of the type or tune of words the person is using, will end up creating more problems than it solves. If a group of people feel a certain way and try to use words to express their feelings and you deem it offensive so you banned them, they will spread the news and later it will end up creating more problems. If you try to put people right cus of the type of words they use to express themselves in a democratic type of group then the group end up not being democratic. We do see this everyday in this world we live in.
Just take that part off, and just say everyone should be respectful if they want to be respected and should check their choice of words. Period.