Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 17:14 UTC

Copyright Symbole und Dokumente  

(for english version scroll down - sorry for my english)

Wäre es nicht nützlich wenn alle Symbole Asgardias unter einer freien Lizenz (z.B. Creative Commons) veröffentlicht werden? Damit könnte jeder Bürger die Symbole straffrei verbreiten und Druck und Vervielfältigung würden nicht ausschließlich beim Staat liegen. 

Die Folgen nichtfreier Drucke kann man in Deutschland recht gut beobachten. Man darf nicht einmal die Gesetzestexte abschreiben und verteilen, weil deren Vervielfältigung einer Firma unterliegt welche vom Bundestag bestimmt wird und dieser Firma dann Geld entgeht. 


I think all documents and symbols of asgardia should be stand under a free license such as creative commons license. Because all member of asgardia should copy and transfer the symbols and documents without paying money to a goverment or factory. In germany this is a problem.

Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 19:23 UTC

The problem with free licensing is that folks who may not have the best interests at heart could be so then, legally, use the images for less-than-benign reasons.

At least, under the current arrangements, the images and search can be used by request. Or, at least, that is how I was led to believe it worked.


  Updated  on Jun 5, 17 / Can 16, 01 19:24 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Something keeps editing my posts as I write them.

Nov 13, 17 / Sag 09, 01 17:22 UTC

As I understand, currently all images are under license of Arcadia: https://asgardia.space/en/page/terms-of-service
And one particular case. Recently, flag of Asgardia was deleted on wiki: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Asgardia.jpg
Is it possible to provide the flag and emblem to wiki on some kind of License? For example,
Educational Use of Content: ... For the purposes of this Agreement, "Educators or Learners" consists of librarians, teachers, ... (from https://asgardia.space/en/page/terms-of-service )
or, through request according Wikipedia OTRS, or another commons license.
Currently, the traffic on wiki pages is hundreds of visitors, for example, on english page https://tools.wmflabs.org/pageviews/?project=en.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&agent=user&range=latest-20&pages=Asgardia_(nation) It could be quite helpful mutually for wiki and Asgardia.