Aug 19, 17 / Lib 07, 01 11:32 UTC


Dear admins, on your donation page there is no possibility to make a standing order. Can you add it ? Thank you !

Brigitte Kreisl-Walch, Austria

[Mod Edit]
Moved from Economics to Feedback
-Syafriza Bakri, August 19th 2017, 12:11 PM UTC

  Last edited by:  Syafriza Pratama (Asgardian)  on Aug 19, 17 / Lib 07, 01 12:14 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Moving Post

Aug 19, 17 / Lib 07, 01 12:15 UTC

Hello,  We have taken the liberty of moving this post to Feedback as we feel it is a more appropriate space for this type of discussion.
(Originally posted in Economics)