Dec 26, 16 / Cap 25, 00 00:53 UTC

Feature request: Wiki  

A wiki deployed could be useful for containing informations upon which no discussions are merited, making the static content on this forum as minimal as possible.

It could form a centralised location for educational content, various how-to, things like FAQ's etc.

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 17:22 UTC

i like that idea... get the static info archived and accessible to people in a well mapped library that can be updated. wiki is perfect for that. it could be the library.

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 19:52 UTC


Feb 28, 17 / Ari 03, 01 15:33 UTC

+1 absolutely

Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 19:41 UTC

Agree. It could be also useful for Constitution Project, as currently one long document is hard to navigate.

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 04:36 UTC

@EyeR saudations 0/ Well i think the wiki is a good idea my only concern its about the security of the information that we will put here. You kniw any method to put to work a Asgardia-member onky wiki ?(with the data of our asgardia server to do the login or something similar)

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 11:37 UTC

Making it "Asgardian only" is simple via many means - the "easiest" being the requirement to be logged in to view content - However it's incredibly easy to sign up to gain access.

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 15:19 UTC

There's also the well known wiki's resilience to spam/attacks, due to the (admins') rollbacks' availability.

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 15:39 UTC

It's even easier to provide resilience to spam by not assigning write access as default.

Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 16:30 UTC

we would use the site wiki to do our wiki or would do(create for the scratch) our own?

  Last edited by:  Humberto Bravo (Asgardian)  on Mar 7, 17 / Ari 10, 01 16:45 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time