I stumbled upon this topic after reading "Changes in the Pipeline" at https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/changes-in-the-pipeline-777/.
While all the suggested features are great, that immediately looked to me to be a huge waste of resources that could be better used to improve the Asgardia website itself.
It appears to me the IT team behind this website is essentially being asked to develop a whole forum from the ground up. That is an immense task to undertake; one that many more mature solutions have already tackled in far greater depth than any isolated team ever could. phpBB, vBulletin, Discourse, SMF are the most common packages available in that domain. I have seen them used by lots of websites that also have a separate user database like Asgardia has. These packages provide regular updates, especially to thwart security-related attacks that are certain to creep in when an isolated IT team tries to implement a forum on its own.
I hope my message did not seem condescending / offensive; my intention is only to see Asgardia prosper.
Best regards