Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 19:44 UTC
Forums modification - Ministry of Science ¶
In the Ministry of Science board we can find the following forums: "Physical sciences", "Biological sciences", "Psychological sciences".
This classification is incomplete and unpractical, as it does not include all sciences. If this classification is used, a high number of other forums should be included (like "Chemical sciences", "Medical sciences", "Economical sciences", "Sociological sciences", etc.) so every science field can be properly discussed. Again, this seems to be very unpractical.
I suggest the modification of these forums, and the usage of a clasification that can include as much science fields as possible. This could be, for example, the division between Natural Sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) and Social Sciences (sociology, economy, psychology, etc.); or between Hard and Soft sciences.
Sub-forums for a specific science field could be added if it is considered necessary.
At this moment, the discussion is highly limited by this clasification and, from my perspective, it should be modified as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time.