May 9, 17 / Gem 17, 01 02:51 UTC



  Last edited by:  Vincent White (Asgardian)  on May 10, 17 / Gem 18, 01 20:59 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

May 9, 17 / Gem 17, 01 03:06 UTC

Hello, fellow Asgardians! I'd like to remind you that it would be prudent to clear any project you might have in mind with Asgardia officials before dedicating your time and enthusiasm to your ideas. 

A comprehensive proposal should be submitted to the administrator team and addressed for the attention of “Projects Manager”.
For further details on this please refer to this page: Quarterly Project Proposal

Thank you for your understanding in this, and we look forward to working with you in the future!