Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 20:03 UTC

Petitions need more options than Support  

Petititions need more options than Support. 

* Support
* Against
* ... and possibly Abstain too. 

By only having Support you are NOT giving us all a voice in the process.
Without these options we also will not be able to track MP's voting records who are in office.
We cannot make educated decisions about who to vote for without these options, without their voting record being clear.

Saying that if you do not support it then you are recorded by virtue of not voting is incorrect and fallacious.
I may have not be able to vote. My official vote and voice will not have been recorded nor will anyone elses who chose to:

* Against
* Abstain
* or to not vote at all. 

There are so many, many issues with the way things are done around here. =(

  Last edited by:  James O'Neill (Asgardian)  on Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 20:07 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 18, 17 / Cap 16, 01 20:14 UTC

I think that any voting for anything should have the options of support, against and abstain. There should also be a time stamp on each vote. That way if we know how many people were members of Asgardia at that time and if voting is mandatory "which i believe it should be" we will also know if extra votes are being castor if votes are disappearing . It would be a nice little anti tamper feature .

Dec 19, 17 / Cap 17, 01 19:29 UTC

Thanks Denise.
OK... There is logic in that.

A petition is not a referendum.
OK, so... Referenda should have these options then.