Aug 4, 17 / Vir 20, 01 13:28 UTC
Re: Wooow, fantastic... ¶
Hy admin, I want to ask how do I change the name on my certificate name is wrong, and my account name is also wrong, if I delete also can not, thank you
Aug 4, 17 / Vir 20, 01 13:28 UTC
Hy admin, I want to ask how do I change the name on my certificate name is wrong, and my account name is also wrong, if I delete also can not, thank you
Aug 4, 17 / Vir 20, 01 15:29 UTC
hi @Febri andika! have you already checked the "my prophile" section under "info"? if changing the corresponding form doesn't work, send a mail to our support team with your ID and everything related to the bug (time it arose, screenshot, steps you took to encounter it ecc..)
support mail: