Jun 10, 19 / Can 21, 03 11:36 UTC

Re:Asgardia needs fixing  

Hello Ugur, 

Do you have a rough timescale on when this verification process will take place? 

Jun 10, 19 / Can 21, 03 13:10 UTC

Hello MattLaw,

ENG: I care about chatting on this channel and setting up such diologists. Before the timeline, we are working on how the verification process should be done with the most accurate technique and how it should be. If more data is available, I'll make the quickest update for all of you to know. Being on this channel and chatting with all of you means a lot to me. Thank you for following :)

TUR: Bu kanalda sohbet etmeyi ve bu gibi diyologlar kurmayı çok önemsiyorum. Zaman çizelgesinden önce, doğrulama sürecinin en doğru teknikle yapılması ve nasıl olması gerektiği konusu üzerinde çalışıyoruz. Daha fazla veriler oluştuğu takdirde en hızlı güncellemeyi hepinizin bilmesi için yapacağım. Bu kanalda olmak ve hepinizle sohbet etmek benim için çok anlamlı. Takip ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederim :)

Jun 10, 19 / Can 21, 03 15:39 UTC

Great, we have all been waiting for this verification process for some time, I think about 2 years now. An update would be well received.

Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 04:52 UTC

Not holding my breath at all.

My prediction is it will be a giant cluster bomb like everything else has been for the past two years. If this " Verification Process " goes beyond a safe way to electronically submit ones photo I.D, and residential address , and email verification which was already done when one signs up... then it is going to be way too much to do.

Kudos to Ugur though, he seems to at least care enough to check in on this website more often than anyone else who is supposed to be in a position of leadership.

Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 15:07 UTC

  • Hello to all of you again and thanks GLC3295

ENG: I would like to invite the people on this page and all Asgardia citizens to my site. There will be a cute face looking at you. The whole story was recorded by me from the very beginning.

LARA is the first Asgardian baby born in the world.  It is a light source for our children who will be born in space in the future.

Happy Unity Day :)



Hepinize tekrar merhaba, teşekkürler GLC3295

Bu sayfadaki kişileri ve tüm Asgardia vatandaşlarını siteme davet etmek istiyorum. Sana bakan sevimli bir yüz olacak. Tüm hikaye en başından beri benim tarafımdan kaydedildi.

LARA dünyada doğan ilk Asgardia lı bebektir ve gelecekte uzayda doğacak çocuklarımız için bir ışık kaynağıdır.

Mutlu Birlik Günü :)

  Last edited by:  Ugur Aydin (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jun 18, 19 / Leo 01, 03 16:49 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Oct 17, 19 / Oph 10, 03 02:08 UTC

 I check back here every so often.

Zero ever changes. Asgardia is no longer in the news, and if one were to go anywhere and ask anyone; have you heard of Asgardia ? The answer would be no. Unless of course you hit a very targeted and small niche that is geared towards science , then space exploration, then maybe you might get a yes.

What a giant disappointment Asgardia became. Anyone remember the sham voting on a flag and national anthem. An then no one says anything about someone composing a computerized 10 minute long boring anthem. Could anyone imagine having to stand for the Asgardian National Anthem before a sports game?  I do appreciate the maybe 3 " politicians " that at least attempt to come on here and give feed back and show or at least pretend they are trying to accomplish something.  Anyone looking for some really good interesting videos on space exploration, check out you tube channel, Isaac Arthur  , the guy puts up some good discussions that are way more interesting than anything going on here.    I kind of wonder how the people who " paid " for citizenship are feeling now that Asgardia for all purposes considered , is dead .  Or do they stick with, well it is a dream I believe in, an the money went to a good cause. If that is the case, I can dream bigger and I promise I can put any money any one gives me to better use than what has happened with Asgardia.

looks like the spammer of this site moved on.

Other than that, anyone here keeping up with the pretend asgardia  facebook page or what ever is left,  i doubt the traffic else where online is doing any good.

Oct 30, 19 / Oph 23, 03 16:30 UTC

bueno yo tengo el dinero para la ciudadania apartado, incluso soy candidato para alcalde invalido, pero no pienso pagar nada amenos que me muestren en que se gastaran los 200 euros, soy mexicano y la verdad que 100 euros son mucho dinero. en lo personal esperare a que salga oficialmente el solar para ver si invierto mi dinero. hay algunos solares en circulacion pero son muy pocos


Well I have the money for the citizenship apart, I am even a candidate for invalid mayor, but I will not pay anything unless they show me that the 200 euros will be spent, I am Mexican and the truth that 100 euros is a lot of money.Personally, I will wait until the lot officially goes out to see if I invest my money.there are some lots in circulation but they are very few.