Dec 6, 18 / Cap 04, 02 16:28 UTC

Is there a size limit on Blog posts?  

Is there a size limits on blog posts?

I can see the Guide I'm creating may get quite lengthy. I'd like to know what the size limits are before I plow full steam ahead.


Dec 7, 18 / Cap 05, 02 16:00 UTC

Perfect. Thank you.

Dec 21, 18 / Cap 19, 02 14:40 UTC

There is no text limit. I think that that might be useful for all readers from [Link  Removed] as they write articles about Scandinavian mythology and had thought on content. Thank you for this topic.

  Last edited by:  Theo VINCENT (Asgardian, Global Mod)  on Dec 27, 18 / Cap 25, 02 17:42 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times
Reason: Unauthorized link

Dec 25, 18 / Cap 23, 02 14:23 UTC

I've since encountered things in my life beyond my control that has removed the time and ability for me to work on the new Guide. :( I did, however, turn the post into a "What a New Person Would Like to Know" with a list of everything I would have wanted to put in it.

Hopefully, Asgardia will answer those questions one day and place them in a guide for new people or add them to the FAQ.