Sep 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 16:34 UTC

Project Valhalla  

As many are no doubt aware, putting people into space takes a lot of time, resources and co-operation between nations. There is also an ongoing question of legality and liability, as since there is no currently manned facility in space to represent Asgardia, it cannot be considered an independent nation state until there is.  Asgardia-1 was launched into orbit last year, but it may still take a decade (maybe two) to be considered independent, unless we have a presence on Earth to represent this sovereign territory, supported by the UN… the question is, where?

An idea I came up with for this was in 2009, after I entered one of those enterprise competitions for new business proposals at University.  The only real area suitable to represent all countries, creeds and religions is open ocean.  Here, a metropolitan, mobile Arcology could contain its own housing, vertical agricultural and fisheries decks, a trade port, a carriage-based transit system for vertical and horizontal travel, and even an 'Asgardia University' and embassy.

To support 250,000 people (210,000 permanent residents, and up to 40,000 part-time residents and/or visitors), it is likely a city may be four miles in diameter and 1.5 miles tall. The city would be a symmetrical "hypercarrier" (part megastructure, part naval vessel) with its design drawing inspiration from the Flower of Life; organising different sections into Seed of Life modules, where the transit network, renewable generators and ship systems weave through them.  This would allow it to easily circumnavigate the globe, and it could be equipped with trusses around its circumference to protect the city from storms and tsunamis.

As a city composed of all nations who signed the Asgardia Charter, it would become an initiative for global research, possibly offering far greater insight into marine research as we push into space.  If the city could conduct launch operations as well (perhaps as a central spire with an inner ring for the university and embassy, supported by international space agencies), it is conceivable facilities there could serve as an astronaut training hub for Asgardia Station, as it is gradually expanded, and remain as an immigration point once it is complete.

I still have the original business plan I wrote, though have recently learned much about writing them, so believe considerable revision will be required.  However, I am willing to work with Asgardia's Government and Legislature into making this plan viable, for possible construction.

  Last edited by:  Simon Spencer (Asgardian)  on Sep 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 16:59 UTC, Total number of edits: 8 times

Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 04:46 UTC

 Not to be a wise guy, but this concept was already put into a movie, called Water World. Decent movie, but the concept is there, a society on water .  An there are other similar movies already out there.  I think the discussion is an interesting one....

But everything costs money.  An I have none.  I can't even afford a row boat.  If there was a platform of sorts be it on the ocean some where or in space, i still wouldn't be able to go, and I am a registered citizen.  I am just too broke to travel.  I think the guy who started asgardia is the one with all the money, and may have generated some money through expos an talks. maybe even through the donation section on here ? But over all, Asgardia has no income what so ever.  It is just an idea. Until people with deep pockets come along to fund Asgardia, it will just stay an idea.  But reality is a perception I guess, i mean this website is real. that mini sat in space is real... so there is some reality to Asgardia, it isn't all just an idea.  But if no one is out there searching for investors to make anything happen. Then to me everything is a waste of time, an even more so if you have investors who are not coughing up money to do anything or people who are just sitting on money and not doing anything to advance Asgardia any.  

By now I expected to see some form of Asgardian Id Cards. An so far, zip.  I mean heck i can go to my local office supply store and print out a business card with my name on it that says Asgardian Citizen, and my information on it.  How about at least that much to just create a basic printable ID Card. And a researchable database that can verify us online as Asgardian citizens.

 And then work on building a base on the Moon.

Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 11:13 UTC

This concept is already used today ( Residential ships in international waters are, as mentioned above, expensive, but mostly because you are dependent on established nations for things such as propellants (and, by extension, electricity), food and most other consumables and that these things, typically, has to be transported outside national waters 200 nautical miles off shore of the nearest national soil.

This high cost could, conceivably, be lowered drastically by becoming more self-sufficient and by taking advantage of some of the exceptions to the 200 nautical mile definition of international waters. For instance, Asgardia could, conceivably establish a test platform in the Danish Straits, these are made up of relatively calm waters and have easy access to Denmark and either Sweden or Germany, depending on the exact location. This could be used as a test platform for increasing self-sufficiency, for instance, by using buoyant solar panel arrays ( for power needs and solar desalination plants ( to produce potable water. Food can be grown both in the form of seaweeds and fish, but also growing traditionally land bound crops in seawater, seems viable nowadays ( and even if not, hydroponics seems like a good fit such a test platform.

  Last edited by:  Christian Knudsen (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 11:14 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Typos

Sep 7, 18 / Lib 26, 02 16:59 UTC

While you are talking about money and resources to build the station, have you thought about the fact fossil fuels will run out in 50 years? There's literally no point in Asgardia. There's no transportation back to Earth. Not only that, but by building the station it will be a waste of resources that could be used elsewhere. Workers that could be used elsewhere. 

Donating to Asgardia is literally the opposite of beneficial.

Sep 8, 18 / Lib 27, 02 05:18 UTC

interesting 50 years, cause , i heard the same thing back in the 80s , and my parents heard the same about fossil fuels running dry when they were in highschool.

Sep 8, 18 / Lib 27, 02 14:49 UTC

 Agreed Ogle, that making a scanable I.D card is expensive, what I am talking about now, is by passing that process. Keep an archive of information that can be looked up on the Asgardian website, create a PDF file, or what ever file, that a person can take to their local office supply store, and print out a wallet size buisness card, it may read something like Asgardia on the front, and on the back may have a link to the Asgardia website, with the individuals profile link, or an official Asgardia information page that verifies that the person is an actual citizen .  Now to me, all that should cost, is how ever much it costs to add information to this physical website we are on now. Some kind of soft ware could be made, that citizens of Asgardia can enter in what ever pertinent information is needed, the soft ware verifies it, or exisiting information is verified, some how,  am not a computer person so i dont know how it works or how much it costs. and people can either select to have all their information available or partial.   Either way it should be cheaper than physical scanable ID cards.  Or i should say, a Digitial ID. With a printable card option if one wants to print one out so they can hand out to whom ever or just have.

Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 06:51 UTC

Well, as about territory on Earth it will cost much less if just to purchase it. It can be strange for someone, but some islands is on sell right now. Yes, them aren't good to independent life for the all Asgardians, but it isn't needed to be true. Almost all of citizens will still be living in their current states.

Also I think it will be a good idea to create some shelters for the Asgardians in trouble (some states can be not so positive to our project).

As for the sea projects... even the better of them still have no serious progress. Too costly. If we will start such project we can forget about space at all. Even the independent space laboratory similiar to ISS will cost really much... and then the launches (one place at space ship to low orbit cost around 25 millions of dollars).

So, via starting sea project we're in the best become sea nation, not the space one.

Sep 9, 18 / Sco 00, 02 14:54 UTC

GLC3295, and now we have mining organizations and other scientists that have measured and estimated the amount of fossil fuels that are left. At the current rate we use oil, the 1.7 trillion barrels will be used up in 50 years. 

Even if the world began slimming out oil usage and used recoverable resources, that only stretches that time.

And after that? What you think this is star trek or whatever sci fi show? We can't just build a resource that gives off unlimited fuel. 

This project is pointless. 

The only project worth doing something with is the exploration of planets for more fuel and resources.

Don't be a moron.

Sep 10, 18 / Sco 01, 02 14:55 UTC

You don't need fossil fuel to put things into orbit, the Delta IV family of rockets ( run on liquid hydrogen and oxygen, which can be made from water and renewable energy. And both SpaceX and Blue Origin are in the process of or have already developed rocket engines running on liquid methane ( and and oxygen, which can also be produced by sustainable methods on Earth.

Also, if you're worried about the Earth running out of resources, other planets are a poor solution for that problem, all planets have gravity wells that make the transportation of resources back to Earth excessively expensive ( A better choice is to have some base of operations outside Earths gravity well (or in orbit) from which you can deploy automated miners (like the ones Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries are developing) to the asteroid belt, using some variation of solar propulsion (either traditional noble gas types ( or using water ( or have them run on hydrogen and oxygen and mine water and minerals.

There's actually a database of known asteroids and estimations of the revenue they could produce, in the form of raw materials and estimated costs (granted, rather speculative) of extraction: