Jan 1, 19 / Aqu 01, 03 00:50 UTC
There is already Asgardian Territory ¶
Asgardia should be a sea faring society, or build a space station that orbits Earth , or a Moon base.... Or buy unused land from governments and use that...
No need to my friends. Igor the Great. Leader of Asgardia has already solved the problem for us all ! All Igor has to do, is make an Asgardian Flag... and put that flag, hang on... wait for it.... drum roll......
The Anticipation is crazy !!! Where could Igor possible put an Asgardian flag and declare it official Asgardian territory !! Where oh where !???
Holy frickn cow, how about in his Front Yard !!!!! I mean he has spent all this time and money to get the United Nations to recognize Asgardia as a " Country ". An no one knows where else to declare Asgardian territory. So the man has to have a home. All he has to do is buy the land from the government he resides with, slap the ole Asgardian flag in his front yard, and ipsofacto , Asgardian Territory.
The wonderful " Paying Citizens of Asgardia " can do the same, simply purchase the land where you live from the government where you reside, make an Asgardian flag, stick on a flag pole in your front yard and Yay now there is more Asgardian Territory. Then sign that property over to Igor or your local Mayor, pay taxes on that property or sign some kind of agreement that says ya don't have too. Oh an then remember that All citizens that are paying, have the right to come and isit said property of Igor or whom ever.
Am I being sarcastic ? Sort of. If Asgardia was serious they would jump on this idea and put up the money to make it happen. Or a group of paying citizens could come together , pull their money to buy large sections of land and then hand that over to Asgardia for a price or barter. It could also be done via buying a large ship between a group of Asgardian citizens, registering it as an Asgardian vessel, and ipsofacto now you have a moving Asgardian territory on water.
Same for any endevour ,, any group of Asgardian citizens that were stupid enough to pay the citizen fee, can come together,and say purchase what ever, and then sign it over to Igor. or have it registered as Asgardian tech/ territory, whatever.