Jul 13, 18 / Leo 26, 02 14:38 UTC
Voluntary Taxation ¶
I took a look at this article in the mail online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5886365/Billionaire-swears-head-utopian-space-kingdom.html
and came across this:
"...in the future, Asgardians will all be expected to pay an annual 'citizenship fee' of 100 euros as well as income and business taxes."
But I don't remember coming across this information in the constitution. Taxation is briefly mentioned, and appears to suggest that citizens will be taxed on a voluntary basis, although the language (in English) is a little vague.
Chapter 3, article 9.5:
"Asgardian citizens shall pay voluntarily established taxes and levies in accordance with Asgardia’s laws."
It's possible that the reporter is misinformed. It's equally possible that the reporter heard this from a member of Parliament, or perhaps the Head of Nation himself. Have I missed something, maybe, in a video upload? It's not that I'm adverse to taxation so much as I'm adverse to quietly planning the shape of our Nation without regard for the Democratic process. I believe that Asgardians might vote for taxation applied to those of us who earn a living within the Asgardian economy, a but a yearly fee of 100 Euros? Margaret Thatcher tried a poll tax in the UK. It was her biggest mistake.
I will happily be corrected or reassured by anyone with answers.
Reason: removed an unwanted link