Dec 5, 18 / Cap 03, 02 13:34 UTC
Re:Citizenship fee ¶
My main argument on this point though, is that it's unfair on the poor. I can acknowledge documents of proof of citizenship costing money, because there are administrative costs involved etc. (Though even this, ideally, would not be a thing if one would want to avoid discriminating on basis of financial status). I understand there are definitely people who are willing to pay, and good on them. I'm just worried about all the people who can't (Incidentally, I'm included in those people, even though I've got the luck of having signed up in the first 100 000, so won't need to pay yet)
It's an inelegant and brute-forced solution in my opinion, and I reckon it hurts the legitimacy of Asgardia. Especially considering that we don't actually know where this money goes. Sure, a good chunk of it goes to administrative costs, but there are currently over 200 000 citizens. If even half of those pay the yearly fee, that's 10 000 000 Euro a year. Sure, that might not be a lot for a nation, but that's still a lot of money to be non-transparently handled, and more than just the administrative costs of Asgardia I imagine.
In these early stages, I reckon Asgardia would be better off depending on charity from its citizens, not a mandatory fee. And even in the later stages, when Asgardia actually has an economy, it should not be a flat fee, but a tax.
Because with this flat fee, it excludes the poor, which is a terrible way to start a supposed egalitarian nation.