Nov 24, 18 / Sag 20, 02 17:06 UTC

Re:NewAsgardia in telegram  

Hi Alex color there is an official telegram channel for Asgardia the link is:

  Last edited by:  Christos Faroupos (Asgardian, Global Mod, NCM)  on Nov 24, 18 / Sag 20, 02 17:07 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: typo

Nov 27, 18 / Sag 23, 02 17:39 UTC

I don't participate in various social media sites and I don't like setting up or joining several community channels of sorts to get information. Isn't supposed to be the official single source of official truth for information and updates?

EDIT: After more poking around on the site, I can see that IS the single source of official truth and place to go first to get information.

I also checked out Telegram out of curiosity -- and it looked better than when I looked at it last time. I signed up. :)

I also found that if use the "global search" bar I can find just about anything I was looking for.

  Updated  on Nov 27, 18 / Sag 23, 02 23:27 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Learned more info. Updated to include my new learnings.