Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 21:04 UTC
You mean Robert Shawyer's EM-Drive they cloned? The thing originally built in a shed almost ten years ago... Yeah you'd not need blueprints for that. The Eagleworks tests on the Q-thruster system they also cloned from it for testing purposes should give you enough idea to start building test models. Refine our own designs. I'd be on that but I'm thinking I'd need to be generating about 50kW to make it lift itself from off the floor and the ultimate proof to the "does/doesn't work" arguments.
If an extinction level even occurred on the surface then it's unlikely to impact us. We'd already be entirely self sufficient. We can't be doing with lifting a few tonnes of food, plus other consumables, every few hours. This will need to be taken care of off the surface. And sensibly before you even consider mass habitations.
About the only thing we should find difficult to compensate for is the absence of the star. Short term survival - a few thousand years - is possible but something special in terms of energy production - possibly harnessing the weak forces in vector bosons or something on a similar level of physics - would require to take place, or migration to another star.
on Mar 29, 17 / Tau 04, 01 21:05 UTC,
Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: typo