Is morning walk useful to train human mind for good ideas?

Total number of votes: 3

66.7% Morning walk is useful to train human mind for good ideas.

33.3% Morning walk is not useful to train human mind for good ideas.

Jan 21, 17 / Aqu 21, 01 10:36 UTC

Morning walk is useful to train human mind for good ideas.  

Dear asgardians , As a general thinking we are much busy in our life from morning till evening.We should aware about our mind status.For achieving good thinking every body should go for walk early morning into fresh air.It will keep us fresh whole day.In early morning the atmosphere is clear.

Mod Edit moved from general discussion to Health and Safety. Zahira 21/01/2017, 3:13pm

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Global Admin, Asgardian)  on Jan 21, 17 / Aqu 21, 01 15:13 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 04:53 UTC

I think there is something better than morning walk - rope skipping. It is very useful for burning calories, plus, it is very interesting form of cardiovascular exercise one can do everyday. I have just started it and finding it addictive.

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 12:33 UTC

The repeated performance of a task that does not require 'thinking' allows the mind to stretch and imagine things during your waking time that may not come up over the course of a normal day.

This can be a walk, exercising, playing a game, or other repetitive behavior that encourages the mind to wander.