Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 14:33 UTC

Views on 24/7 Medical Tracking (Research)  


I'm an MRes researcher in technology, at the University of Portsmouth, currently specialising in future medical technology for everyday uses & medical uses.

With a first draft prototype on the way, that would track and save biological information. This would track ECG, Heartrate, Blood Oxygen, Blood Sugar & Hydration: all into a small wearable device and transmitted wirelessly to a server. The design of this prototype device will not impede movement and designed to be wire-free.


I would like to ask Asgardians in general, their feelings, opinions & views about being medically monitored 24/7 around the clock. For both personal uses (exercise, gaming, environmental sensing, performance tracking and other) and medical uses (hospital monitoring, remote patient viewing, population health check and others)


The research will be published in a medical journal in 2018

[Mod Post] Thank you for sharing. However, I think this post would be best suited in our Health and Safety forum. I have moved your post there so as to contact them directly. frm general

  Last edited by:  Jewell Ledoux (Asgardian, Global Admin)  on Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 14:50 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 16:53 UTC

Hi there,

Personally I wouldn't mind being monitored for research if it was a wearable device and didn't impede movement.

It is awesome to see that Asgardians are conducting research, but please remember to cite Asgardia as a source of data if members do decide to be a part of the project

Jan 4, 17 / Aqu 04, 01 03:47 UTC

I wouldn't mind be monitored. I've pretty much given up on the idea of "privacy" in the modern world anyway. At least this way you might get some usefull data.

Don't think you can credit Asgardia as a subject or source any more than you could an Italian, or German. Were just subjects of a study

Jan 13, 17 / Aqu 13, 01 15:20 UTC

The project sounds great. I wouldn't mind being monitorized as long as it is as anonymous as possible. And it can be fery usefull in the long term to have statistical data from a cohort of asgardians from the begining. Im glad to see people starting to discuss this kind of topics :)

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 13:00 UTC

it is an ethical issue too - if insurance companies for instance had access (or were able to change premiums in exchange for access) in the way that some car insurance companies use monitoring apps to check on driving, wearables could be a disaster.

The other issue is that current (affordable) technology is pretty shoddy in some domains and extrapolations to things not actually measured (like how a fitbit decides you are asleep and even identifies REM from simple actigraphy and HR) can be abysmal. I encounter this a fair bit in my work as a sleep specialist.  Artefact is dealt with poorly by them too - I have had patients worried about physiologically impossible heart rates their fitbit (or similar) has churned out.