Dec 31, 16 / Cap 30, 00 13:13 UTC

Re: Magazine  

As a space nation, I think we all need to share a common knowledge about technology. But information available on the web is so vast, and at many times unreliable. As such your idea about a magazine focussing on this will be the best tool in spreading factual and usefull scientific knowledge to all Asgardians.

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 15:42 UTC

The magazine would be able to include a variety of topics, a something for everyone type of deal.

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 15:42 UTC

The magazine would be able to include a variety of topics, a something for everyone type of deal.

Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 21:32 UTC

The magazine would be able to include a variety of topics, a something for everyone type of deal.

Agree. However, there are many topics. What about variety of thematic magazines?

  Last edited by:  Josip Pavic (Asgardian, Translator)  on Jan 2, 17 / Aqu 02, 01 21:32 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 20:22 UTC

I can agree with the idea of a magazine. I posted a similar idea in the writer guild thread. Setting up an official magazine, or many, is a great idea.