May 16, 17 / Gem 24, 01 17:49 UTC
Re: Asgardia will need weapons, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! ¶
@ Boone,
Thanks for saying so and to answer your question it is simple really, the most important thing to a nation is the citizens of it and as such they need to be protected. Though we all disagree at times, we are all Asgardians and I want nothing but the best for my fellow Asgardians. So, if that means that I must "beat a dead horse with a stick" I will do it
That would be good advice if it didn't leave you always chasing but never gaining knowledge. Better advice would be to "throw away what you think you know, admit that you do not know what you do not know, believe you always have more to learn, and never stop seeking knowledge" by Brandon Garrison
Part of the goal of non transference is to keep groups that would transfer those issues into space. From gaining a foothold in space that would allow them to do just that. The goal of non transference will be an ongoing one as long as we humans continue to exist on Earth