Apr 4, 17 / Tau 10, 01 01:02 UTC
Re: Civilian conceal carry of weapons ¶
Nothing personal but you are mistaken, I have only been arguing a point that is similar to yours, I was not on anyone's side. I am Switzerland in the respect that I am neutral
I would say the real problem is those who would rather not see weapons in Asgardia, or at least not in the hands of citizens of sound mind. Have convinced themselves that their desire to live in such an environment is greater than that of people with the opposite desire and think only their desires should matter. It's the same flawed human thought process that causes trouble here on Earth. I do not deny that people should be free to live in peace. Everyone has that right however, not if it comes at the expense of the rights of others. Honestly, there really is no way of resolving the difference in opinion in this case. The best that can be done is a choice offered to folks to either carry a weapon or not to carry a weapon. Making it so people either have to carry or are not allowed to do so will only cause trouble. By giving the impression that the desires of one group of folks is more important than that of others and that causes separations amongst people. Something Asgardia wishes to avoid, so, in that regard I change my initial suggestion to one that supports both parties being given the ability to choose what they will do regarding weapons and maintain that if they should choose to cary a weapon whatever it maybe, that they be properly trained in it's use and upkeep