Jan 30, 17 / Pis 02, 01 00:47 UTC
Re: How to set up the asgardia military ¶
There is always going to be things that need doing. There's always people that want to do things - a lot of times these can be made to align quite suitably. With a wide enough pool of individuals, in theory at least it'll end up with an overflow of people that would choose to do every task that needs doing. Even across a sprawling collection of superstructures you don't need a military for this - just decent management software.
Reality doesn't make many compromises - but luckily, reality is something you can change. With a little effort, in an appreciable direction.
There will be mundane tasks. Most can be automated. That's now, before any advancements due in the window of now and when we'd actually be able to have any facilites. For the likes of cleaning - capitalise on folks with OCD's. For maintainence on the life support systems, someone interested in HVAC engineering might be difficult to keep away from it with a screwdriver... What motivates people isn't their government, and certainly not their military. What motivates them is their interests. Their dreams. Their passions. And across a wide enough pool, these interests - pursuing these passions - provide for almost anything imaginable. All you have to do is not stand in their way.
Lots of people with nothing to do is happening regardless of any Asgardian initative. This is why so many countries are currently playing with concepts like UBI. No-one is going to have a job in twenty years time - but if they don't buy things then the facil economic model implodes. What makes you think suddenly not wasting 75% of their lives on trying to make someone just that little bit "richer" equates to these people will have nothing to do? Even more disturbingly, why does this worry you? Lets say you woke up tomorrow and wasn't required to whore your time and or skills in order to "get by". Would you sit and stare at the wall or would you do something? I'd like to think you'd do something. I know I would. Quite what you'd do would likely depend on your interests. Your passions. You suddenly have as much time as you'd like to persue these. This is ultimately what provides the motivations.
"demilitarized and free scientific base of knowledge in space" is indeed a statement of intent, an idea. But there's no reason why this should also not be a fact. Certainly, without any effort towards making it happen it likely wont. Definitely, of higher importance about now would be formal specification and enactment of "government" - something we have need of a lot sooner than a lot of other topics(Possibly higher than that would be constitution). The creation of this is under our control, now - or at least this was my impression. True, about now this results in theoretical models over which we argue and refine. Sure, there's no assurances this model will be implimented. But should it attract sufficient popularity I see no reason why it should not. If the model doesn't gain popularity, then it's not what the people wanted to be doing anyway. The act of contribution is helping shape things. Or, should be.
As to "functions" - would you have anything specific in mind? There's a list of things suggested held: https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/forum-feedbacksuggestions-list-322/ whilst https://asgardia.space/en/forum/forum/feedback-11/topic/changes-in-the-pipeline-777/ are the things currently "in progress". Note the date.