Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 16:00 UTC
Re: If some nation declare war against Asgardia ¶
Well EyeR, someone has a high opinion of themself. Tho from what I have seen from you, I would never trust you with any sort of security command.
The U.S. already has laser based weaponry capable of shooting down moving aircraft and that technology will only advance by the day. Its reasonable to think that by the time the station is constructed that the U.S.A. and other nations could have laser based weaponry capable of damaging Asgardia. As a former U.S. soldier, I can go ahead and tell you that the U.S.A. does not need much of a reason to attack another nation, beyond you have resources that they want. Or you have the capability (even if you don't have the intention) of damaging their assets. Aka, just having the ABILITY to damage U.S. satellites could be a good enough reason for them to attack. As for costs, the U.S.A. barely cares about cost. The U.S.A. is still fighting guerrilla forces as if they were massed armies. As for resources, if we are a space station, that automatically would give us a monopoly on space exploration and mining, as any ships could be constructed in upper orbit, thus vastly lowering the cost of launching craft. As for invasion. a 20 man force is not an invasion, that is a infiltration crew and their entire purpose is to get in unnoticed. If you only have 20 troops to send, you sure do not want a vastly larger OP4 knowing that they are coming. Such a force would most likely come, bit by bit, under the guise of migrants or tourists. A visible invasion would involve hundreds or thousands of troops. As for missile defenses, we would need people manning the systems guess what, that means you have a military force.
Lets say a nation wants our access to space for their own. They aren't willing to just let us sell or give them materials, as they want us to provide only for them. They also have a laser weapon capable of damaging Asgardia, and they have their own anti-artillery defenses that would shoot down any bombs or missiles we could send their way. The only option at that point would be a manned strike force, landing in a nearby allied nation and moving into enemy territory to disable the anti-artillery system to allow our own weaponry to disable their laser weapon. You cant count on a cyber attack as the system's controlling the weaponry are likely to be closed.