Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 20:27 UTC

Propuesta de Rangos Militares (Proposed Military Ranks)  


He pensado una propuesta de rangos militares para la futura flota aeroespacial y para las fuerzas militares que puedan crearse.

He creado un código propio, inspirado en el código OTAN, para numerar los diferentes rangos militares. El código son dos letras y un número.

Existen dos grupos de rangos, uno para oficiales superiores, con el código OM (Oficial Mayor) y numerados de 1 a 9. Y otro grupo para oficiales inferiores, con el código OS (Oficial Subalterno) y numerados de 1 a 9

Cuadro Oficiales Superiores:

MariscalGeneral MayorGeneralCoronelComandanteMayorCapitánTenienteAlférez

Cuadro Oficiales Inferiores:

Sargento 1ºSargentoCabo mayorCabo 1ºCaboSoldado 1ª/ tripulante 1ªSoldado2ª/ tripulante2ª

Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 20:27 UTC


 I have come up with a proposal for military ranks for the future aerospace fleet and for the military forces that can be created. 

I have created my own code, inspired by the NATO code, to number the different military ranks. The code is two letters and a number. 

There are two groups of ranks, one for senior officers, with the code OM (Major Officer) and numbered from 1 to 9. And another group for lower officers, code OS (Junior Officer) and numbered 1 to 9 

Table Senior Officials:

MarshalGeneral MajorGeneralColonelCommanderMajorCaptainLieutenantEnsign

Table Lower officials:

Against MasterSergeant HigherSergeant 1stSergeantMajor CapeCable 1stCableSoldier 1st - crew 1stSoldier2 - crewman2

Jun 8, 17 / Can 19, 01 23:10 UTC

This is great, thank you for info,

i wish asgardia accepted we got military or army, i want to join,

This is my dream job in my whole life, I'm always want to serve into the job like this and I'm always want to be a Lieutenant, this is my dream too, call me Lieutenant, and i do everything for this, i don't care how much hard to be that, i still want it,

thanks to you again... :-)

Jun 11, 17 / Can 22, 01 19:32 UTC

Es interesante tu propuesta

Jun 13, 17 / Can 24, 01 00:41 UTC

Thank you for the post but I think we need a more general military rank system instead of such a detailed one :) 

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 05:26 UTC

I think that the ranking system should be modeled after Police units rather than Military ones. This would fall in line with our Mission to ensure peace for humanity in space. I will be doing some research on different Police structures and will have an updated post with my rank proposal.

Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 17:18 UTC

cool! i have a friend who is graphist and he begin to make the design of your grades ;) !