Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 07:11 UTC
What are the Objectives/Operational Needs for Asgardian military/security ¶
I’m creating this thread because there needs to be a discussion about what military/security requirements Asgardia needs. Does it need a standing military? Not currently. I do believe that all Asgardians need to be able to defend themselves, provide basic emergency first aid, etc. (but that’s for a different forum.)
Regardless of what we call the organization that is responsible for the security of Asgardia.There is a need and a responsibility to have one. To determine what that organization needs to look like, we need to determine Asgardia’s objectives and operational needs.
The Declaration of Unity of Asgardia identifies our objectives. They are:
- To ensure peace in space;
- To ensure the protection of planet Earth and the entire humankind (from outer space threats);
- To ensure equal opportunities in space for all Asgardians residing on Earth, regardless of geographic, financial, technological, and other specificities of the countries of their Earthly citizenship.
Is there a military/security operational need to ensure peace in space?
No. Currently, diplomacy and education are the best tools to meet this objective.
Is there a military/security operational need to ensure the protection of planet Earth and the entire humankind (from outer space threats)?
Yes.There is an operational need for capable defense, emergency response, and environment protection organizations.
Asgardian Defense Organizations: This type of organization would be responsible for the protection of Earth from outer space-based threats.
Asgardian Emergency Response Organizations: This type of organization would be responsible for responding to emergencies/disasters caused by outer space-based threats (medical, fire, humanitarian aid, etc.).
Asgardian Environmental Protection Organizations: This type of organization would be responsible for keeping Asgardian and Earth space-based resources safe from the space debris. This could be done by collecting the tons of space debris currently orbiting the Earth. Note: This could also be a source of income and raw materials for Asgardia.
Is there a military/security operational need to ensure equal opportunities in space for all Asgardians residing on Earth, regardless of geographic, financial, technological, and other specificities of the countries of their Earthly citizenship?
Yes. There is an operational need for the protection and defense of Earth-based Asgardian resources, both physical and cyber. This would include education centers, government facilities, research facilities, etc.