May 2, 18 / Gem 10, 02 18:32 UTC
Calling All Asgardian Musicians and Artists! ¶
With the excitment that is growing over informative media and production for Asgardia, it's an excellent time to get invested in the creative side of the community. I am requesting from our artistically inclined citizens to create and send in their own original musical and creative media for our radio and podcast networks in Asgardia, even imagery that could be used for potential Youtube or Television channels in the future, if we get that far.
As some of you already know, I am opting to run my own podcast in the near-future for Asgardian news and entertainment; Voices of Asgardia are working on a radio station too. It would be great to be able to share Asgardian content on as many networks as we can to get the word out and promote our artistic citizens to the world.
I can be emailed potential media for the podcast show at: .
If you would like to recommend a topic for the show, or you would like to send in a question for Asgardia with the opportunity to have it answered, please leave me a message on my Asgardia profile for now.
I will also be setting up a forum thread on the Asgardia website, later on, where you can send in your discussion topics and questions as well.
ALSO, I am working on a couple names for the Podcast Network. I have a few thought up already, but I will do a poll here in the forum where you can vote and recommend your own titles! Let's have a good time, and good luck-- for Asgardia.
UPDATE: The poll is now closed! The chosen name for the podcast is "The Galactic News-E Network (T.G.N.E.N.)", or "News-E" for short.
Reason: Poll ended.