Nov 24, 17 / Sag 20, 01 18:34 UTC

Diario de Asgardia  

He estado hablando con algunos compañeros para formar un periódico (inicialmente web) con la finalidad de informar y difundir Asgardia y sus intereses en Español.

Hay mucho potencial en el idioma de Cervantes y creo necesario tener una herramienta como esta que permita la difusión de noticias en español.

Escribo esta entrada con la finalidad de escuchar más opiniones e intentar crear un grupo de trabajo.


I have been talking with some colleagues to form a newspaper (initially web) with the purpose of informing and disseminating Asgardia and its interests in Spanish.

There is a lot of potential in the language of Cervantes and I think it is necessary to have a tool like this that allows the dissemination of news in Spanish.

I write this post in order to listen to more opinions and try to create a working group.


*Note* This translation was made by Google Translate. Please make sure when using the forums to copy/paste the English translation below your comment in your native language. This ensures that all persons interested in reading your post are able to understand it. Thank you for understanding.

  Last edited by:  Shane Watt (Global Mod, Asgardian)  on Nov 25, 17 / Sag 21, 01 04:55 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: mod edit translation shane watt, 11.24.17

Dec 8, 17 / Cap 06, 01 15:36 UTC

Cuenta conmigo. Quien mas se apunta.