The interactive map on the main page could be overlayed with climatological data fairly easily.
I like that idea very much. I don't see how this relates to the Asgardia project per se. But since we are a global community, I am definitely interested in how climate is affecting my fellow Asgardians.
This subject is especially close to my heart since I am a farmer-in-the-making and I will need to rely a lot on observing and understanding natural rhythms for my livelihood.
I can tell you that I live in a sub-tropical climate and I have seen our mango trees affected by climate change. During the 2010-2011 (if I remember well) season my trees got so confused that they put out flowers twice during that season but never sat fruit.
I must clarify that I know there are some mango trees that flower and set fruit twice a year, my trees are not that kind.