I understand what you are saying, but beying a freemason is not about religion, race or citizenship. It is about beliving that you can become a better man with the help of yourself and the others around you. The main reason of the developement of Asgardia is to evolve, and to accept everyone, freemasons, belivers, non-belivers, atheist, black, yellow, white, green, orange. It is the main step to a healthy evolution. Acceptance. I am a freemason and I am proud of it. It is not a secret organisation but a very discrete one. Everyone can be accepted to become a freemason if that is what he really wants. We want to change, YES, but not by setting new boundaries, it is best to remove the boundaries. The persons beliefs should not be restricted. We want to become better, as human beings and as a community, so, better not to impose boundaries.... It is about science, about inteligence, about freewill, about evolution, about the new man, about reaching for the stars and beyond. So, people should be let to find the ones that have the same interests, it is the way to a good and better understanding.