Would you have voted No if you had the choice?

Total number of votes: 25

64% I wanted to vote No

36% I voted yes

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 17:35 UTC

So long and thanks for all the fish  

We now know how King Igors democracy works. 

Well it's HIS vanity project and he can shove it. I'm not hanging around to stroke his ego so I'm off. I urge you all to follow me and not get caught up in something that you may live to regret.

Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 17:45 UTC

I absolutely understand you, and agree.
Chances are I'll remain around here for some time, just to see how things will go: pretty sure the cubesat won't be the only thing which will burn down in a few. ;-)


Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 18:17 UTC


for now we are just a bunch of people posting their thoughts in a forum.

In order to move forward more seriously, it is crucial to have a system which provides methods and controlling tools to improove this system (which are described in the constitution).

So first, the website allows you now to commit yourself to the constitution. There still might be votes on Asgard 1st as described by Elwe Thor in nearly all forums.

And second, I think its better to have a constitution to start with to refine it in a controlled and governmental process. On the other hand though, its not a visionary nation but a bunch of peaople only talking about it.


Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 18:43 UTC

I'm sorry @Temir Ra, but I'm not writing "there will be a vote at 1st Asgard 0001": I'm writing that, if you "accepted the Constitution" (which implies the Document of Unity), as it's stated into the voting page, you've voted already, no further vote then, and no way to vote "no" or to "espress your dissent".

This,  by the way, it's expressly against what's written into Voting Regulations (arts. 1, 4 and 5) published on 20 March 0001 (17 March  2017) by means of Decree n. 3 so, if the written words of our Head of Nation have some value (Constitution, art. 46), I must recognize the current voting as "illegal" or at least "null".

As for the Constitution, once approved it should last for much time, being the revision process far harder than the current "draft then adoption" (see Constitution arts. 44 and 45).

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 18:10 UTC

as I'm seeing you're still somewhat active in the forum, would you like to reach me (ElweThor#4993) into Discord so I can manage to invite you in the channel where, with @LoreZyra, @Skieswanne and others, we're discussing about the Constitution, Asgardia, the Universe and the Great All? ;-)

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 18:38 UTC

LCplCombat #7153

Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:09 UTC


I'm sure you've already noted this, but still just to make sure:


This is the formally way. This is the possibility to change the Constitution.


  Last edited by:  Temir Rakitin (Asgardian)  on Jun 19, 17 / Leo 02, 01 21:16 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: Rephrase to clarify