May 7, 17 / Gem 15, 01 18:30 UTC
Space Station? Or Habitat? ¶
When and if Asgardia gets to space, and sends their first people to space... is it going to be like a habitat? With 50+ people, maybe at first, and then more going to space and living for a year? Or is it going to be like the ISS and have only a few people go to space. I understand the struggles with becoming an astronaut or a cosmonaut but if you are a CITIZEN and are only going to space to live. (by then i would think we would have gravity of some sort) i dont think it should be necessary to have to go threw the training of a astronaut or cosmonaut.I believe that there should be quilified astronauts or cosmonauts on the station at all times just in case, but if this is going to be a nation we need to have a place for people to live at least for part time(like a year or something) Also are kids aloud to go to Asgardia when its built?