
Total number of votes: 187

90.4% I support the petition

9.6% I don't support the petition

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 16:30 UTC

Petition: Cancel of the current vote and creating of a new craft of the consititution  


in the last week very strange things happend:
1. The voting period began before unity day (decree 6 overwrote decree 3 in that point. However articles 4 and 5 of decree number 3 are still in action)
2. There was no time to review the current draft of the constitution before the start of the referendum
3. There was no explicit opportunity to vote "no" in order so express, that the draft needs another review. No option of voting "no" is illegal as decree number 3 states.
4. The constitution in its current state has major flaws. This, for example, can be used to form a dictatorship out of Asgardia.
5. The constitution draft states that the voting is done by the end of unity day. But the voting will be opened for a longer time period.
6. Asgardian officials stated, that the outcome of the referendum will be ignored and the constitution wil still be adopted, regardless of the quorum of >50% that is stated in the draft of the constitution.

Each of these points are affronts to the democratic principles!

Therefore I demand the cancel of the current referendum and to declare the result null. Then to revisit the draft constitution to create a new draft which ensures, that democratic principles hold true and a proper separation of power. 

Proposed changes can be found at:
Our Constitution: Submit suggestions for chance or
Discussion of the second draft constitution

I beg each citizen of Asgardia to sign this petition for a future that lies in our own hands and not in the hands of a few people  who want to dictate it.
Please show your support for the petition by voting AND writing a post in this thread with words like: 

"I support this petition - FirstName LastName; Country"

Only the people have the power!

There is a ociial place for this petition, finally. Regardless if you voted already in this thread or not. Please vote again or consider supporint this petition

                                        ---> Here <--

edit: And please write an answer since we need 1000 "signs"  to get heard
edit2: Updated point 1 and 3 to be more precise. Thanks to Elwe Thor
edit3: Edited Links, formating and added template for supporting the petition.

**Mod Edit** Moved from General Discussion to Petition.
Zahira, 21/06/2017, 17:22 UTC

edit4: added url to official petition page of the asgardian website

  Last edited by:  Oliver Otte (Candidate, Asgardian)  on Jun 22, 17 / Leo 05, 01 20:55 UTC, Total number of edits: 5 times

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:18 UTC

I support this petition.

(Question: Can you see who voted yes or no on the thread? )

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:30 UTC

I can't see who voted what. But I hope this is enough, to get things running.

Please spread the word, since we need 1000 votes..

Thank you all!

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:37 UTC

Please add that Decree N6 didn't state it superseded Decree N3 completely: it just extended the voting period but Decree N3 arts. 4 and 5 are still in action (so the people must have the option to say "no" by Decree N3).
Please add that they're extending the voting period beyond what declared into Decree N6 too, thus breaking their own laws.

That said, I'm supporting your petition.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:40 UTC

I support a new draft that does away with democratic principles and bases itself on contemporary 21st century principles that ensure flexibility and reasonable government.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 17:44 UTC

I support this petition

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 19:08 UTC

Hi @guidoV4
yeah I know, but Rebekah told me that you need the 1000 votes before submitting the petition there. That is the reason for this thread. 

As soon we have the people on our side I will end them the petition again.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 19:45 UTC

Really the Lead Admin told you need 1000 votes before to post a petition?!??
And how that is supposed to happen if one can't post a petition? :-D :-D :-D

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 19:53 UTC

I will quote RebekahBerg: "You should have included the signatures when you filed the petition."
Therefore.. well yes since on the website it says: "You need 1,000 signatures for the petition to be reviewed."

Don't ask me how realistic the whole thing is ^^ But I think thats the only legit way. Or maybe I just grab 1000 random usernames... But I want to do it correct ^^

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 20:02 UTC

Maybe in Canada they don't have Petition systems. ;-))))
(sorry I can't write more... I'm laughing too much X-D)

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 20:52 UTC

In watching the series of events that has transpired over the last 9 months to bring us where we are today, and the manner in which both administration and our HoN have behaved I must agree with this petition.

While there may be die-hard fans and fanatics who would throw themselves over hot coals if Igor asked them to do so, he has largely lost the faith of those who prefer to think and reason before following blind orders. It may be that those who are faithful in the religion that Igor has created here will carry on (and a religion is what this has become) and the rest remain behind while Igor rules from on high and dictates the lives of his followers, it does not have to be this way. There are better ways to handle this, and I find it unfortunate that our current leadership has chosen to be so ridiculous in how this has been handled.


Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 21:26 UTC

I support this petition.

Not having a "no" choice is simply ridicolous

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 22:15 UTC

I also support this petition. The current draft version of the constitution gives too much power to the HoN and the Supreme Space Council and does not provide proper separation of power. This is a recipe for a disaster in the long run. There is also no mentioning of codified law structure - everything is based on decrees and court decision. This is too similar to British/american law system which is a nightmare to deal with and also does look too much on the past and precedence. Continental Europe law system based on Roman law principles is much more suitable for a country in 21st century. 

I also hate there is no "NO" option in the voting... dead line for voting is also not clear. 

But the main reason is as stated - too much power concentrated in the HoN and SSC, no good separation of power and lack of proper law system.

P.S. Almost forgot - a "Kingdom"?!? 21st century space nation is a Kingdom?! oh come on, be serious...

  Last edited by:  Dimiter Geshev (Asgardian)  on Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 22:17 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 22:54 UTC

I am in support of this petition.

If others are truly passionate about the Asgardia concept as originally presented, I reccomend you show your support for this petition.

Jun 18, 17 / Leo 01, 01 23:09 UTC

I support this petition as well. I have another petition for revisions to the constitution.
Please review the first set of revisions below and then the petition signature page. Thanks.

Constitution Revisions:

Petition Signatures: