Hi @sputnik ! As this is considered advertising without consent from the Admin and moderator staff as per the group Code of Conduct:
4.b.Selling of goods / Advertising: Please don’t use other users of this service to try and sell material or services. Advertising is discouraged, yet may be permitted if discussed with a moderator first; staff decisions are final. Topics containing links to unsanctioned Asgardia content or to any kind of unrelated content, particularly sales or marketing material, might be locked or deleted without notice.
If you wish to affiliate with us and make your project official, you are welcome to send the details to adminteam@asgardia.space for review. As this content is currently not affiliated, we will be removing this content. If you feel that you are being unfairly treated by this please contact a member of the moderation / Admin team and we will be happy to address the issue with you further.
Thank you for your understanding!