Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 23:23 UTC
Discovering a nation. ¶
Before all of the other countries were formed, they never really had time to plan, they were sort of thrown together. I have been talking to many of my own countrymen (U.S.A.), and I have found that most of us live a socialist/communism mindset. Only those who work in the political side, or economics have clear concepts of what they are, and where they live.
I have taken the political compass test, and found that I am very nearly Gandhi at Economic left/right -7.75, and Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -2.26
I would think we could all take this test to figure out where we actually stand, and how to structure the government. I see in my country a new uprising of social/communistic/capitalism tier making it's headway. ...Well until today anyway. Could we orient the population into a new melting pot?