Feb 23, 18 / Pis 26, 02 21:44 UTC
Principia Asgardia ¶
I'd like to propose an idea for fundraising for Asgardia revolving around the production and sale of original Asgardian philosophy.
My thought here is to attract a community of Asgardian philosophers, and to break them down into groups revolving around philosophical disciplines. These small teams would work together to draft an essay on the topic, addressing the Asgardian people and the spirit of Asgardia within the scope of a given domain.
For example, Asgardia as a state has a great focus on science. But do we know what kind of philosophy of science should inform Asgardian scientific principles? Or do we know what the metaphysical foundations ought to be in Asgardia? How many ways can we infer from the current project what kinds of philosophical assumptions are being made and to which domains do they belong? Which of them can we critique? Which can we affirm?
I would hope asking such questions within the scope of numerous domains of philosophy and producing essays on those topics could help to produce philosophical anthologies I've given the working title "Principia Asgardia." The work can be sold in online retailers and in a dedicated Asgardia store.
Ultimately, convincing academic departments around the world to purchase copies of the work would be up to the Ministry of Arts and Culture.
If you have an interest in philosophy, let me know your thoughts on this idea.