Why are so many people wanting to tie Asgardia's calendar to the orbital movement of a satellite of the third planet of a fairly common type of star in the backstreets of one of nearly 47,000 galaxies in our local supercluster? Are we not "Asgardia - the Space Nation"? I thought one of the goals to was to create a scientific base of knowledge in space?
8,000 years ago, using a lunar calendar was logical. It's was a clearly obvious celestial body that has a regular period that could be used to measure the passage of time. Now, it is possible to use an array of calibrated millisecond pulsars, not only to measure the passage of time, but accurately locate our position in the galaxy and to account for time dilation effects of high speed interstellar travel. If you are interested, I have provided the concept at the link below:
It drives me absolutely nuts when people describe this calendar as a "better way" and provide absolutely no credible evidence as to why this is the case (other than "it's cool" or "it's different"), or in this case - "time is the atmosphere of the mind" - seriously? What scientifically baseless, hippy dippy B.S! It is a travesty to promote this garbage when the work of the likes of Einstein, Eddington and Hawking provide the current and best scientific understanding of time.