After reading the material do you agree that we should adopt the 13 moon calender as the official calandar of Asgardia

Total number of votes: 22

63.6% Yes

36.4% No

Jan 20, 17 / Aqu 20, 01 20:35 UTC

13 Moon Calendar to replace Gregorian  

I would like to open the topic of discussion for adopting the 13 moon calendar as it would align with Asgardias ethos of doing things a better way. The 13 moon calendar is derived from the Mayan long count, and is a perfect calendar and logical replacement of the Gregorian. Please follow this link( and do some reading and lets see if we all agree. If we are to align as a species we must start with fundamental changes and the false calendar we are on now takes us out of alignment with natural time, so lets make the call and build this thing the right way.

Feb 14, 17 / Pis 17, 01 09:32 UTC

Or, we could create a counting calendar using an atomic clock. Recognition of Asgardia would be 00000:00:00 day:min:second. This way all Asgardians are both on the same timezone and removed from celestrial movements as a basis for time. This way problems will not be created as we move further away from earth.

Feb 14, 17 / Pis 17, 01 18:34 UTC

Comment deleted

  Updated  on Jun 15, 17 / Can 26, 01 16:27 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times
Reason: "This user no longer wishes to be associated with a tin pot banana republic"

Feb 14, 17 / Pis 17, 01 21:20 UTC

You followed the link? I decided it was pdeudoscience when I saw the words perfect calendar.

Mar 21, 17 / Ari 24, 01 22:53 UTC

Why are so many people wanting to tie Asgardia's calendar to the orbital movement of a satellite of the third planet of a fairly common type of star in the backstreets of one of nearly 47,000 galaxies in our local supercluster? Are we not "Asgardia - the Space Nation"? I thought one of the goals to was to create a scientific base of knowledge in space?

8,000 years ago, using a lunar calendar was logical. It's was a clearly obvious celestial body that has a regular period that could be used to measure the passage of time. Now, it is possible to use an array of calibrated millisecond pulsars, not only to measure the passage of time, but accurately locate our position in the galaxy and to account for time dilation effects of high speed interstellar travel. If you are interested, I have provided the concept at the link below:

It drives me absolutely nuts when people describe this calendar as a "better way" and provide absolutely no credible evidence as to why this is the case (other than "it's cool" or "it's different"), or in this case - "time is the atmosphere of the mind" - seriously? What scientifically baseless, hippy dippy B.S! It is a travesty to promote this garbage when the work of the likes of Einstein, Eddington and Hawking provide the current and best scientific understanding of time.

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 00:27 UTC

I'm not saying that we change the frame of reference we have for time. Humans have evolved to operate on a 24 hour cycle. This is unlikely to change in the short to medium term, even if we leave Earth, regardless of what method and means is used to measure time.

When I talk about a calibrated millisecond pulsar array, I mean calibrated to Earth based atomic clocks, which has a standard for the length of time of 1 second. You can then build whatever construct you want around that: Stardate, Base 10, Base 27, Base 60, Julian, Gregorian - whatever. However, it provides a near indefinite and accurate way of measuring the passage of time, along with some other bonuses that will be of benefit to anyone travelling around the solar system / galaxy.

Mar 22, 17 / Ari 25, 01 12:46 UTC

ACTUALLY, humans are not based on a 24 hour cycle. Humans get tired based on light cycles, which on Earth happens to be 24 hours.

Each person has their own biorhythm which dictates when they get sleepy. It is unique for each individual, but generally most folks are 16 hours awake, 8 hours asleep, which happens to strongly correlate to the amount of sunlight we receive near the equator at any given time. Persons can push themselves further (I generally go 18 hours awake) but eventually that pushing puts stress on the systems and they will push back, either through illness of exhaustion.