This text is part of my candidate platform but in my opinion he needs publicity:

"It is necessary to understand that we are creating a new society, at a new level, since the goals initially pursued are the development of science and the protection of the Earth. And this means that we do not have time to spend time solving problems related to the animal's beginning of a person or his inability to cope with himself, in interaction with society or for other reasons. Therefore, I believe that punishment, in the form of deprivation of Asgardian citizenship, should be used in most cases, in similar situations. You have a home and a private area, as well as places of leisure where no one will forbid you to ordinary human communication and your weaknesses. But as soon as you interact with the society in the territory of Asgardia, all the goals that you must pursue are the defense of the Earth and the development of science - there is no place for emotions, delinquencies and human weaknesses."

The main idea here is that if you violate anything in ordinary affairs, then it is very likely that you do not pursue the purposes for which Asgardia is created. And this means that you are not imbued with these goals and your task is not to protect the Earth and humanity.