Part of the current mindset that needs to be overcome, and can be with enough will, is consumption. No, we don't need the next new iPhone. Wants are conflated with needs, pushed on us by a marketing system to drive endless consumerism in a futile attempt to keep the economy propped up. The hunger is never quite sated, i.e. profit must always grow year over year, thus more consumption is prescribed.
As someone else previously stated, and as has been eluded to in other places on the forum, given the free time that comes with a freedom from wage slavery, people are free to explore and develop their true interests and talents. I am fond of furniture making, but don't have much time for it at the moment as the demands of working to survive dictate that I trade more of my hours for a wage than I can spend building furniture; furniture that I would be more than happy to see go to other people who like the look of what I create and would enjoy using it. And others would find their talents in creating other things that I may enjoy. But neither of us needs to make 10,000 of something a month, hoping to make even more the next year, so we could continue to spur imaginary growth.
The notion that the means of production, and the desire to produce, would disappear the second money disappeared is a fallacy. I venture there'd be even more innovation and creativity given the freedom from working to survive (wage slavery), and the notion of endless consumption (planned obsolescence).