Sep 6, 18 / Lib 25, 02 23:09 UTC

Easier access  

Hello, I am a new member and I just started to read and inform myself about Asgardia. First, I must say that I am very excited about Asgardia's goals, it is something that I had dream of since I was younger. Now, my question is... Have you ever thought about making an app for Asgardians? I honestly think that the app would create an easier access for everyone and maybe it could improve the community.

Let me now what you think about it!:)

Oct 13, 18 / Oph 06, 02 18:08 UTC


Welcome to Asgardia, we have mobile version of our site.

Dec 5, 18 / Cap 03, 02 22:26 UTC

Welcome to Asgardia!

I am Carol Lynn Lockhart, an elected AMP (Asgardian Member of Parliament.) for District 1, English (D1). I am also a member of the Citizenship Committee.  I am always eager to help whenever I can.  Feel free to reach out to me and I will try to help the best I can. Parliament does listen to the people...especially those of us on the Citizenship Committee!

Please bear with us, putting together a nation from scratch is not easy. We are trying our best to move things along as quickly as we possibly can.  We appreciate ideas and polite criticism.  We do read posts.  Sometimes we reply and at other times we are very busy.  Ask around, several people will tell you that I try to keep people aware of what is going on the best I can without violating the NDA all members of Parliament have to sign.  Like with any government, some thing must be kept confidential.

Dec 6, 18 / Cap 04, 02 15:41 UTC


This is probably one of the best comments I've seen in the forum addressing such a thing. Thank you.

Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 22:28 UTC


You are welcome. I try to keep people updated on what is going on. I have an FB "Office" and I try to blog on my personal blog here.  Otherwise, I try to comment on posts, here and there if I catch them!

Dec 17, 18 / Cap 15, 02 22:51 UTC

Here is an FYI

People have been wondering "how" Parliament works.

  1. Slack.                                                                                     This is where your Parliament works. There are several channels.  Some are general where we submit Proposals were all the AMPs can see them and chose whether to sign them. Get 30 or more signatures and then it goes to Admin. to be put one the next Session's Agenda.  If Parliament votes yes on it, it then goes to the HoN and he can either sign it, veto it or send it back to us.                                                                                                                          Committees have their own channels.  The Citizenship Committee has 2, one that any AMP can chat to the Committee on and the other, is a work group only for Committee members to discuss business in.
  2. International Conference Calls                                                 Did you know that at least 31 members of Parliament show up weekly on an international conference call on ZOOM?  We find out a lot about what is going on as far as business is concerned.
  3. Parliamentary Sessions                                                           This is where we vote.  Currently they are also held on ZOOM with voting done in Slack. So far, all the Sessions have been closed.  Some have suggested that we are hiding what we are doing. Not so, we have technical issues. We have no translators and right now, no way to let people in just to watch.  My understanding is that they are being recorded and we are looking towards a way to post at least the recordings. Look for Open Sessions to be coming in the future!
  4. Committees                                                                          Some Committees also do international Conference Calls on Zoom.  In fact, the Citizenship Committee has one set for Saturday the 22nd!         

So, while it may seem that we are not accomplishing much, we really are. In fact the next Session (#3) will have our first Budget in it!