Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 11:54 UTC

Re:important > ID  


You're right, Dirk. I've been on this subject many times before. I did some information work. But people find this fun and cool. For this reason I would like to ask my other committee friends to make new alerts via facebook or other social networks. On the general forum page, I'll put the warning word that I shared before. Thanks for the information, Dirk.

Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 14:06 UTC

a Published ID number is in itself not an issue. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong if someone else knows you ID number, in fact, it is rather easy to guess any right number.

The Biometric information attached to the number to help identify you as the owner of then number should be of more importance -  Photo, Fingerprints, password, pin no, etc.

  Last edited by:  Benjamin Dell (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jan 17, 19 / Aqu 17, 03 14:07 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: added info