Dec 23, 16 / Cap 22, 00 06:43 UTC
Floating habitation ¶
First up, I'm not overly confident this is in the "right" place - I'm sure a mod will be kind enough to move it to the more appropriate location if not.
I see a post on reddit previous to this forum's existence, wherin someone put up the idea of offshore floating platforms on which structures can be built. As I've seen nothing like that yet on this end, I thought I'd carry it over...
From the original post:
"Floating city as a proof of conceptOther (self.Asgardia)
submitted 1 month ago by Sirkristof
I know the idea of a floating city has been bounced around the internet for decades now but does anyone else think it would be a perfect test for an aspiring space nation to first build an ocean nation? It can pretty much be done with today's technology given enough finance and if it was enclosed or at least party enclosed it could be used to develop the systems and knowledge for supporting a large colony with limited resources. I'm pretty sure there are patches of ocean calm enough and outside any countries borders..?
I don't want to take anything away from the idea of being a space nation, that needs to be the end goal, 100%. I just think of the steps needed to get there that this should be one of them, the benefit being that it's achievable in our lifetimes :)"
There are definitely merits to this idea. If you have the platform floating, but have the "structures" subsurface, or at least the larger mass of, then you'll not even require to worry about "ocean calm enough" - with a sufficiently cunning design. It could be designed modular, and additional modules snapped on as required. Tidal generators, windfarms and solar PV can exist both in small scale on each module, and additionaly in larger scale on nearby floating platforms(linked, but not incredibly close proximity). It could also provide for tesitng facilities for a lot of things. Most notably, biostasis. A set of modules can be rigged up and can test a team of twelve's ability to survive in close proximity without killing each other, as much as the viability of the biostasis. I'm not overly hot on maritime law, but established outside of international borders, in international waters, it'd be subject to Asgardian law, for as long as Asgardians occupy. Piracy might be an issue, but there's ways and means to combat that. Communications are likely to be something of an issue, as will regular supplies - The supplies are easiest to counter by establishment of both surface and subsurface(artificial light) farming areas.