Oct 4, 18 / Sco 25, 02 18:07 UTC
Theme: Technology Thursday ¶
Today's theme is: Technology Thursday!
In many Op-Ed articles and on LinkedIn Walls we often see the doom and gloom of artificial intelligence (AI) taking over our jobs.
From phrases like "By 2022, half of the human workforce will be wiped out." or "Robotics and machinery will take over." It’s hard not to be scared.
However, are these statements actually credible? And how will automation and AI really affect human labour?
According to the World Economic Forum's report "The Future of Jobs 2018", which was published in September, humans will perform 58% of the task hours by 2022, while machines will perform 42%.
So will AI destroy jobs? Yes, it will! But, it’s okay because AI will actually create more jobs than it takes over.
For example, the Gartner predicts that in the future AI will be the driving force behind the creation of a staggering 2.3M jobs while only getting rid of 1.8M jobs.
Here are other ways technology is being developed to better our lives: https://asgardia.space/en/news/Week-3009-0410
So what do you think? Will AI create more jobs than it replaces? What jobs do you think it could create?
Let's discuss in the comments below.