Nov 27, 18 / Sag 23, 02 16:29 UTC
[Documentation] All Laws Should be Found in One Place ¶
Right now, on the site, there is a section for "Ministry of Justice", an old forum to the same with various discussions, and a section for "Decrees". However, in another section, somewhere I read that the laws of Asgardia made up of:
* the constitution
* decrees
* referendum's
* done by Parliment
-- and something else, I can't quite remember.
The problem is, I have NO IDEA where to find each of these on their own (except for the "Decree" section).
The section on the site should be called LAWS, instead of DECREES.
Under that sections, should be an overall introduction or an overview stating what the laws are made up of, with links to each supporting section.
The legal system in the United States, although good on many fronts, is also very very broken in other places. I would like to know, understand, support and contribute to clarifying documentation, definitions, etc. within Asgardia.
To do that, I need to know where to find all of that.
Reason: Title clarification