Feb 7, 17 / Pis 10, 01 06:12 UTC
Proposal - ACIT - Asgardia Civic IT ¶
@RebekahBerg, in order for us to submit a formal proposal, we will need to have an initial group started to draft the proposal in the first place, hence why we were discussing different ways of doing just that. I like EyeR's recommendation of using freenode or something similar. Our goal isn't merely to be a minor IT team to handle trivial and off topic requests, but to start a dedicated team to help progress not just this Website, but Asgardia as a whole. For starters, and this is merely a very rough draft of a possible timeline: starting a group on freenode that is headed up by one of our Mods/Admins that either has a serious interest or skill in this area (as EyeR suggested), Asgardian users who show interest in the group are invited to take part in the input of ideas and possible solutions (as Vadorequest has pointed out, many have already offered to help, with almost no response from higher up), of those that submit input the ones showing actual skill in the IT field are asked to join the initial team, the initial team then begins deliberation of ways to implement said input and solutions in way that best serves the greatest number of users (minor and singular requests that only benefit the few are best left for later), at which point that group can then draw up a formal proposal to be delivered to Asgardian Official along with the supporting documents and proofs of concept.
We are not asking for control over the Website, nor any other aspect of Asgardia. We are asking for permission to start an IT team whose job it would be to turn all of this input that we are already receiving from users into a working solution that can be implemented at Asgardian Officials' discretion. ACIT (Asgardian Civilian Information Technology) would design and develop a usable product, and if approved, Official has but to "plug it in". ACIT would work with the current IT team, not replace it. By collaborating with the current IT team, we can not only draw some of the weight from them, but be able to get a better grasp as to how Official envisions the use of this Website to begin with. To further simplify this to those who may be reading this post, ACIT would operate in a similar manner in regards to the current IT as to how our Civic Asgardia operates with Official. We would be here to help speed up the process and promote civilian involvement in Asgardia. As condescending as some of EyeR's posts may seem in regards to the current state of the Website, in many of the cases he (forgive me if my assumption that you are a male is wrong) has a point. The current state of the Website, and especially the Forums in particular, leaves much to be desired. Whether this has to do with lack of time, lack of interest, lack of qualified individuals, or any combination therein is irrelevant. There are many in this new nation that have a genuine interest in it prospering, myself included.
Again I ask, how is a team to submit a proposal asking to build a team? The proposal submission process alone requires that a team already be established, or at the very least under way. I ask that we be allowed to begin deliberation and organization of ACIT in order to reach a point that we can begin drafting a proposal.
Paul Miller
P.S. If anyone from our Admin/Mod team, or anyone from the current community wishes to contact me, please feel free to at asg.pwm@gmail.com