Feb 25, 17 / Ari 00, 01 15:00 UTC

Free services for Asgardians {Web solutions}  

Hello fellow Asgardians :) I see this community is growing like weeds, and there are a lot of smart, intelligent and good quality people building this community. So as one small piece of this huge community I offer my services free to Asgardia. If you need any web solution or help feel free to contact me and we will work something out.I dont believe in money, I value knowledge more than some paper with random numbers on it. My web site and my web solutions are found here:


Hope I can be of some help :)

We can even create asgardia web school I am more than willing to share my knowledge for free ofc and will always help if I can.

  Last edited by:  Domagoj Buljan (Asgardian)  on Feb 25, 17 / Ari 00, 01 15:02 UTC, Total number of edits: 2 times

Feb 25, 17 / Ari 00, 01 16:32 UTC

I am happy to inform you that there is a learning committee currently forming. If you would like to participate please email Nik at civic.asgardia@gmail.com. please include your name, how you can be contacted, and how you would like to help. Let us know if you have any other questions.

Feb 25, 17 / Ari 00, 01 20:34 UTC

Thx,, mail send :)


never got answer :S

  Last edited by:  Domagoj Buljan (Asgardian)  on Mar 6, 17 / Ari 09, 01 12:23 UTC, Total number of edits: 3 times