Mar 2, 17 / Ari 05, 01 21:52 UTC

Looking for Feedback from Beachgoing Asgardians.  

My team is trying to gauge the audience for a new product and as Asgardian citizens, we would like to get some feedback from the community as well. Not sure if this will be an issue in Asgardia, but all technological innovation can be useful in some regard, so, if you have ever driven to the beach, please take a moment and fill out this product survey. It is very short and it would be greatly appreciated.

Let me know if you have any questions or need something converted or translated.

  Last edited by:  William Fuller-Senft (Asgardian)  on Mar 2, 17 / Ari 05, 01 21:57 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time
Reason: formatting

Mar 2, 17 / Ari 05, 01 22:34 UTC

Hello Skilfer, as the content of this post is not related to Asgardia in any way, we will be locking this thread and scheduling this post for deletion.

I would recommend creating a proposal and submitting to the Admin teams in regards to this topic. Here are the guidelines for that:

Thank you for your understanding.