Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 21:28 UTC

Option for construction travels - Space elevators  

A while ago I read about the space elevators, it seems that the development of cables with the necessary strength for the application is still lacking. Does anyone know of any technology that could provide such strong cables?

Dec 20, 16 / Cap 19, 00 22:00 UTC

The Engineerers Facebook Group had a recent small discussion about Space Elevators.

There are also other Problems not only the material itself, even for a cable.
I also think that a direct cable to a orbital station is not the most clever solution for a space elevator, a launchpad would be more usefull maybe.

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 00:03 UTC

Have you heard of the concept of a space bolas? (I don't see it mentioned in the linked Facebook post).
This might mediate some of the technical difficulties involved with a direct elevator concept (such as cable strength; doesn't need to be as long, and in some senses can have more than one to ascend higher).

  Last edited by:  Samuel Fisk (Asgardian)  on Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 00:03 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Dec 21, 16 / Cap 20, 00 16:49 UTC

Cable a vaisseau limuneux , ou meme teleportation , contruction dune matrice de transport et decomposition des atome , une porte star gate serrais le mieux , tu entre les code de destination tu fais tourner les anneaux pour quil atteingne une vitesse optimale sur lui meme jusqua se que le troue de vide ou de verre apparest , une celas fais il faut rendre le vortex stables , faire des test , et une fois que la suspension des molecule est en court il faudras un moteur takoma , pour que les atome ne cesse de se frappe sans cesse , une fois redistribuer via la courrois d'alimentation , vous entree vos coordonnee d'atterisage .. sa serrais censer , mes pour un ascenceur direction asgardaria , j'aurrais plustot une idee de corde a bungie , un genre de cable extensible attacher a une cabine , la cabine aurrais des porpulseur afin de sarrimer ou de atterir facilement munis de parachute en cas de crash , ou de coupure de cable , l'ascenceur triangulaire aurrais une entre datmosfere cassiment nulh , Pour les materiaul de cables je vote pour une propulsion magnetique comme un lance pierre geant , se qui lancerais lascenceur dans le vide sideral jusqua se que la base soie en vue . , une duree de volle de quelleque minute tout au plus , Attacher dans lascenceur et enduis d'un gel protecteur nous irrion a des vitesse faramineuse , pour descendre en cas de probleme magnetique ( energie ) il sagit de faire le grand saut jusqua la terre en parachute et un abis de protection , pour monter avec lascenceur on pourrais lutiliser de facons ergonomique , avec la lumiere du soleille ce las ferras chauffer les plaque et le fuselage avec cette chaleur nous pourrion l'utiliser afin de faire un ascenceur thermique . il ferrais une tels chaleur exterieur quon verrais les emplificateur monter et descendre tels une manivelle , cette chaleur serrais utiliser tels un combustible ion .

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 01:39 UTC

Space elevators are an interesting concept by how would that be practical? I would imagine that the cables would have to connect to a station or platform and with either option I think that it would require something in a geosynchronous orbit? How many would there be? I believe that that type of an orbit is only possible in the equatorial region and how would you conquer the wind speeds to prevent the station or platform from being whipped all about? Then you have the time that it will take for the elevator itself to travel. People have thought this stuff up so I imagine that they have thought of a work through? Any ideas?

Dec 22, 16 / Cap 21, 00 04:39 UTC

A good material of use that is light and can support a structure of that magnitude would be graphene, a substance made from a layer of carbon one-atom thick, it's the strongest material in the world, it's completely flexible, and it's more conductive than copper. (not to be mistaken for graphite). I would recommend looking up this material as it has many uses ranging from flexible screens to buildings. The space elevator would still need to be held in place by cables and possibly light gases within the siding of the elevator shaft. Along with that, the base of the tower would need to be embedded very deep within the surface of the Earth to prevent tipping or extreme swaying.

Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 04:02 UTC

A cable thick enough to take it's own wieght - let alone that of the car/cargo - and reach the surface from orbit, even made from graphene will be rediculously thick. And far too heavy to be considered viable.

Having a shaft would be improbable, as well as needing to be embedded deep into the earth, it would also require to span several kilometers squared in order to not press all the weight into one place and push itself through the crust(assuming it can withstand the forces). Being embedded deeply really won't have any impact on how much this will sway, five kilometers up. Resonance alone would make this a dangerous structure to contemplate.

A "space elevator" could be made practical from a low orbital platform, however, if you don't try to reach the floor. Getting to the upper atmos is pretty easy. Being able to punch just outside it is also not hard - It would make more sense to lower a platform for craft to land on - this could then be winched up and centrafugal launchers could then throw craft(possibly different craft) up further.

Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 17:37 UTC

I just wanted to say I think keeping the space elevator attached to earth would be more of a challenge then keeping the space elevator from sinking into the earth. This centrifugal force should keep the space elevator under enough tension to keep it upright.

Dec 27, 16 / Cap 26, 00 23:00 UTC

The centrafugal force isn't enough to fight gravity - hence things tending to fall. Increasing mass won't increase the centrafugal force, but it will increase the interaction of gravitronic fields. And the footprint will brunt the forces. If this isn't sufficiently wide, it will just push through the crust.

That's easy to solve, just build wider at the base. What isn't as trivial is preventing twist and warp several kilometers up. Or the friction.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 20:38 UTC

The material for construction of such a thing, it is something that will solve itself as progress in the field will take place, the better question would be not from what but where should it be located and how it would act. Instead of placing it in equatorial or nearing it zones or making it a movable at all times platform, wouldn't it be much better setting it up on poles of earth, you know, like in globes. It might be a huge struggle with space vectors and all but it's worth a try? The main station may be located elsewhere and the "top" of the elevator would become the transport hug of sorts.

Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 22:25 UTC

Boa noite a todos Asgardianos! Penso que a melhor forma de nos deslocarmos para a estação espacial e talvez até pelo espaço dentro seria através de "Naves Anti-Gravidade". Desenvolvendo uma tecnologia que utiliza o próprio campo electromagnético da Terra para impulsionar as naves, poderíamos utilizar este recurso para as "Naves Anti-Gravidade", utilizando-as como cápsulas intermediárias para as estações espaciais ou até a "Naves Mãe". Dito isso, penso que o grupo de desenvolvimento tecnológico poderia se juntar e começar a desenvolver a idéia. Acho que seria a melhor aposta, uma vez que bem estudada, é sim possível fazê-lo!

("Uma pedra não segura um castelo em pé, mas 1 milhão de pedras podem fazê-lo!")

Good evening to all Asgardians! I think the best way to get to the space station and maybe even the space inside would be through "Anti-Gravity Ships." Developing a technology that uses Earth's own electromagnetic field to power ships, we could use this feature for "Anti Gravity Ships" using them as intermediate capsules for space stations or even the "Mother Ships". That said, I think the tech development group could join in and start developing the idea. I think it would be the best bet, since well studied, it is possible to do it!

("A stone does not hold a castle standing, but a million stones can do it!")

  Last edited by:  Jonathan Alves (Asgardian)  on Dec 28, 16 / Cap 27, 00 22:26 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 02:10 UTC

You have a design for these "antigravity ships"? or at least a working understanding of the propulsion systems? are you able to point at any peer-reviewed papers researching this effect?

Jan 3, 17 / Aqu 03, 01 02:32 UTC

An elevator sounds great. But the centrifugal force, the continuous orbit of the space station and the slow speed to avoid the disintegration caused by the atmosphere is not very favorable. I think it is a better idea to improve the anti gravity technology or to approach by means of spaceships by landing with propulsion or connecting.

Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 17:32 UTC

The Chaos Computer Club conference recently had a talk on the current state of play in Space Lifts/Elevators depending upon which side of the pond you are on ;-) It seems our materials tech is now up to a level where we could technically build them for Moon and Mars locations but again like a lot of things its now down to solving associated financial and political problems

Jan 5, 17 / Aqu 05, 01 20:41 UTC

The moon and mars have significantly lesser gravity compared to Earth... Even if you solve the engineering problems of having a structure that big, there's then other issues with simply having structures that big.

Antigravity technology is fabled, but I've yet to occur things repeatedly confirmed operable and peer reviewed. Brown supposedly had some viable concepts, but until they are more practically applied, it's a good idea to explore alternate possibles.

A platform floating on helium ballons lifting to upper atmos should be cheaper to develop and build, and by nature of being portable and being able to re-use the helium relatively inexepensive to use and operate at multiple locaitons simultaneously. From there, a series of orbital platforms can winch down somewhere to land closer atmosphere to reduce propellant required distances further, and distances thereafter could be possible mostly with centrafugal launchers.