Jan 15, 18 / Aqu 15, 02 09:35 UTC

Cost of living on a space station  

The price of exporting potatoes for example?

Jan 16, 18 / Aqu 16, 02 00:50 UTC

From earth to low earth orbit I think it's $1,800. Per kilo or per 2.2 pounds 

Jan 17, 18 / Aqu 17, 02 07:22 UTC

The price will depend on the method of launching into orbit. It depend from the company launching the rocket also from the size of the cargo being launched at a time and how larger it is. So launching 1 kilogram of potatos into orbit will cost as much as launching 1 kilogram of gold into orbit
  Last edited by:  Aleksandr Melnikov (Candidate, Asgardian, Member of the Parliament)  on Jan 17, 18 / Aqu 17, 02 07:23 UTC, Total number of edits: 1 time

Jan 17, 18 / Aqu 17, 02 09:11 UTC

correct the going rate that nasa pays to have things put in space is $1,800. via rocket other methods idk